
Our programm

Triada-Welding provides its industrial facilities for outsourcing. Yaskawa robotic welding complex performs part or all welding of various parts supplied to us by factories.

Requirements for the quality of products are becoming more stringent, many companies, entering foreign markets, adhere to certain standards, and if the plans of the manufacturer included automation, robotization of production processes, then in the current economic situation they are forced to slow down the pace of their technical development and re-equipment. But they must maintain quality. Therefore, the outsourcing service offered by our company turned out to be very useful. Thus, a welder can weld about a hundred parts in one shift, while a robot produces up to a thousand parts in the same shift and on the same area. This allows you to increase production tenfold, and the quality of the seam is beyond doubt.

Working in partnership is a real opportunity to connect our highly professional specialists to solve your local problems, this is the ability to access the advanced equipment of the RTC at minimal costs for the customer. We offer welding of your parts:

- on our premises

- with our modern high-tech robotic welding complex

- with our high-class specialists.

We only sell you the weld seam and you only pay for the weld seam!

We guarantee 100% high quality welding seam and 100% lack of marriage.